In order to figure out the effects of OM-APS (oxymatrine-astragalus polysaccharide) compound and their components on immune response of ND (newcastle disease) vaccine, six hundred and sixty 14-day-old non-immunized Roman cocks were randomly divided into 11 groups. Groups 1 to 9 were treated with OM-APS, OM and APS at high dose, medium dose, and low dose, respectively, and group 10 was treated with vaccine and group 11 was blank control. Groups 1 to 10 were inoculated with NDV-IV vaccine through intraocular-nasal route, repeated vaccination at day 28. At the same time of the first vaccination, the chickens in groups 1 to 9 were given the compounds through oral administration, and the chickens in group 1 and blank control group were given physiological saline, once a day for three days. On days 14, 21,28, 35 and 42, peripher- al T lymphocyte proliferations and serum antibody titers were determined by MTT method and 13-microscopic method respec-tively. On days 14, 28 and 42, concentrations of IL-2 and IFN-α of serum were determined by double antibody sandwich ELISA method. Tymphocyte proliferation, anti- body titer and cytokines of chickens in the groups treated with high-and medium-dose of OM-APS, OM and APS were obviously higher than those in vaccine control group. Atsame ages of chickens, OM-APS performed better than OM and APS improving immune response to NDV-IV vaccine in chick- en. It was indicated that the immunity of newcastle disease vaccine could be improved by OM-APS compound.
Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences