
上游带弯头的T型管内混合流动数值模拟的湍流模型评价 被引量:2

Assessment of Turbulence Models on Numerical Simulation of Mixing Flows in T-pipe Junction With Upstream Elbow
摘要 T型管是研究冷热流体混合流动及其引起的温度振荡现象的典型几何模型,而上游带弯头的T型管又是一不可忽视的特殊情形。本文运用计算流体力学软件,采用3种湍流模型(RNGk-ε模型、SSG雷诺应力模型、LES模型)对上游带弯头T型管内冷热流体的交混现象进行模拟,并与实验数据进行了对比。结果表明:非混合区域如上游弯头内,RNG k-ε模型、SSG雷诺应力模型的模拟结果与实验结果较吻合,而在混合区内LES模型的模拟结果更能表征实际流动。 A T-pipe junction ,especially the one with an upstream elbow ,is one of typi-cal geometries to study the mixing phenomenon of hot and cold flows and the tempera-ture fluctuation caused by mixing flow .Based on three different turbulence models (RNG k-ε,SSG Reynolds stress ,LES ) ,the mixing phenomenon in a T-pipe junction with a upstream elbow was simulated .And then ,numerical results were compared with the experimental data . The results show that the RNG k-ε model and SSG Reynolds stress model can well predict the experimental data in the non-mixed region such as the upstream elbow ,while the simulation results with LES model characterize the actual flows in the mixed zone better .
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期1729-1734,共6页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(JB2012094)
关键词 T型管 弯头 混合流动 湍流模型 评价 T-pipe junction elbow mixing flow turbulence model evaluation
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