目的 :探讨柴胡皂甙调节猫睡眠节律电活动的机理 ,揭示中药的药理学作用。方法 :给猫侧脑室注射色氨酸羟化酶抑制剂对氯苯丙氨酸 (PCPA)50μl(0.1mmol/L) ,以猫睡眠节律电活动为指标 ,用睡眠多导仪连续纪录6h。结果 :发现PCPA可造成猫睡眠剥夺状态。腹腔注射柴胡皂甙可对抗和翻转PCPA所致的睡眠剥夺。结论 :柴胡皂甙的致眠作用 ,可能与脑内的5 -羟色氨 (5 -HT)的浓度变化有关 ,本实验为中草药的临床应用提供理论基础。
Objective:In order to study the mechanism on regulatory of saikosaponins on rhythmical electric activities of sleep in Cat.Methods:The effects of intracerebroventricular(ICV)injection of parachorophenylalainine(PCPA-inhibitor of tryptophan hydroxylase)50μl(0.1mmol/L)on sleep(SWSⅠ,SWSⅡand PS) were investigated in cat and by rhythmic electrical activities of sleep in cat were used as indicator.Results:Deprivation of sleep can be found in cat resulted by PCPA during six hours consecutive recording.But simultaneous peritoneal cavity injection of saikosaponins 1.5ml/kg in cat can antgaonize and turnover deprivation of sleep caused by PCPA.Conclusion:It is supposed that effects on sleep caused by saikosaponins may be relative with concentration changes of 5-HT in the brain.
Journal of Tianjin Medical University