

Counterattack horn sounds in the back smokescreen:——The essence of the Nixon administration's aggressive foreign strategy
摘要 尼克松时期的美国外交政策出现了明显转化。其通过缓和,逐步建立起制约苏联的"联系型"网络,并误导了后者的扩张主义倾向;通过恢复对华关系,有效填补了美国全球战略的空白,完成了对美苏中三角战略均势的构建;通过改造美欧关系,实现了美国在欧权力形态的合理转型,并显著增强了活力。因而,尼克松政府在形式上收敛的外交政策背后,隐藏着美国凌厉的战略攻势,而这一战略攻势在很大程度上决定着冷战历史的最终走向。 U. S. foreign policy in Nixon period changed obviously. Through the way of easing, he gradually established a "contact type" network restraining Soviet Union, and misled its expansion tendency; He effectively filled the blank of the U.S. global strategy by resto- ring relations with China, which completed the construction of the triangle strategic balance of power among the United States, China and the Soviet Union; Through the reformation of US - European relationships, he made the power of the United States transform reason- ably in Europe and enhanced its vitality significantly. Thus, behind the restrained form of Nixon administration~ foreign policy, the A- merican aggressive strategy was hidden, which had a decisive effect on the ultimate direction of the Cold War history in a certain extent.
作者 李云鹏
出处 《新余学院学报》 2013年第5期14-17,共4页 Journal of Xinyu University
关键词 尼克松政府 外交策略 战略转型 进攻性实质 Nixon administration foreign strategy strategic transformation aggressive essence
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