

Moral Education of University Students from the Perspective of Gratitude Emotion
摘要 感戴情绪作为一种积极的道德情绪体验,不但具有鲜明的道德属性,而且有激发动机、激励及调控等道德功能。通过开设大学生感戴情绪课程,提升道德动力;设计大学生感戴情绪主题,增强道德激励作用;创造大学生感戴的心理氛围,发挥道德的调控功能,可以提升大学生感戴情绪水平,破解目前道德教育困境。 Gratitude emotion, as a positive moral emotion, has not only the distinct moral attribute, but also the motivation, incentive and regulation functions, etc. Thus, it is necessary to open the gratitude emotion course as to promote the college students'moral power, to design the gratitude emotion theme as to enhance the moral motivation, and to create the gratitude psyehological atmosphere as to de- velop the regulatory function of morality. All those ways can enhance the college students" gratitude emotion level and solve the present moral education predicament.
作者 王乐乐 张敏
出处 《新余学院学报》 2013年第5期137-139,共3页 Journal of Xinyu University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目<基于道德教育的青少年感戴情绪研究>(13YJA880102)
关键词 大学生 感戴情绪 道德教育 :university students gratitude emotion moral education
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