

Affecting the flow of information' research of relationship model between nodes
摘要 计算机网络飞速发展,不同类型的网络日益增多,给网络上的研究带来不便。笔者以信息流为研究对象,针对不同类型的网络,抽取信息流行为共有的模式,对具有统一规则支配的条件能量网络模型中节点间关系模型,进行一定的细化研究,并对改进后的模型如何指导信息流的传输,提出看法。 The rapid development of computer network and emergence of various types of network bring a lot of inconvenience to research.This paper takes information flow for the study,extract information flow behavior common patterns in views of different types of networks and give relationship model between nodes of conditions energy network model,which has uniform rules,a certain refinement study.The improved model how guide the information flow transmission,I point out my own opinion.
作者 王倩 范通让
出处 《河北省科学院学报》 CAS 2013年第2期26-29,共4页 Journal of The Hebei Academy of Sciences
关键词 信息流 作用力 阻力 路由选择 Information flow Acting force Resistance Route selection
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