
后现代语境下的《Gangnam Style》

Gangnam Style in the Post-modern Context
摘要 《Gangnam Style》是2012年风靡网络的一部音乐电视作品,它病毒式地迅速广泛传播,并在全世界范围内掀起一股模仿其骑马舞的热潮。韩国文化的高度商品化和高度媒介化,社会经济的后现代语境,是《Gangnam Style》生成后现代性的重要原因。《Gangnam Style》削平了深度,有着显著的技术美学因素;而且,不论从音响构成、"鸟叔"的草根形象以及镜头剪辑都有着后现代主义解构特征;"鸟叔"在这部音乐电视中是卑琐性的自由释放的狂欢肉体,作品所带来的社会影响也充满了狂欢化特质。 "Gangnam Style" is one of the most popular online MTVs in 2012. It spread very rapidly and widely, and intrigued all people around the world to imitate its horse-riding dancing. The high commercialization and the high medium of the Korean culture, as well as the social and economic context of post-modernism are the main causes for the post-modarnity of "Gang- ham Style". It is considered that "Gangnam Style" abandons the commonly used artistic depth, and involves significant tech- nological aesthetics. Moreover, the deconstmction feature of posUnodemism penetrates into every comer of this product, such as the composition of sound, PSY' s grass roots impression and the montage of the video. At last, the vulgar behavior in the video reveals the free orgiastic body of the singer, and the product brings amazing excitement to the whole society.
作者 蒋河
出处 《宁波广播电视大学学报》 2013年第3期120-124,共5页 Journal of Ningbo Radio & TV University
关键词 GangnamStyle 后现代美学 解构 狂欢 音乐电视 GangnamStyle The postmodemaesth.etics Deconstruction Carnival MTV
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