
亮度可调大功率白光LED驱动电路设计 被引量:3

The Driver Circuit Design for Brightness Adjustable and High Power White LED
摘要 采用SD42524芯片设计了亮度可调的大功率白光LED驱动电路.该电路最大可驱动10个串联的350mA白光LED,功率达到10W,并可随意调节亮度.调节亮度所需要的PWM信号由EPM240T100C5芯片产生,该芯片具有80个灵活的I/O口,便于扩展.该驱动电路具有性价比高、驱动能力强、应用范围广等特点. The driver circuit for brightness adjustable and high power white LED was designed with chip SD42524. The circuit can drive 10 350 mA white LEDs in series connection, consume power up to 10W, and adjust the brightness of LED at will. The PWM signal which could adjust brightness was generated by chip EMP240T100C5, which had 80 I/O ports that could be easily extended. This driver circuit has the characteristics of high cost performance, high driving ability and wide range of application.
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第5期429-432,436,共5页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 杭州师范大学钱江学院科研基金项目(2012QJJL04)
关键词 大功率 LED PWM high power LED PWM
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