目的 分析脑AVM的 3D TOFMRA结合MOTSA (multipleoverlappingthinslabacquisition)和MTC(magnetizationtransfercontrast)的表现 ,探讨其诊断价值。方法 使用GEsignaechospeed 1 5T超导MR机对 12 0例AVM患者分别行SE序列MRI,3D TOFMRA结合MOTSA和MTC检查。结果 MRI及MRA能显示AVM的瘤巢 ,AVM的继发改变MRI能很好显示 ,MRA能显示AVM的三维解剖结构。结论 MOTSA结合MTCMRA是无创性评价脑AVM的有效方法 ,结合MRI可提高诊断准确率。
Purpose To analyze the MRA features of cerebral AVM with MOTSA and MTC 3D\|TOF and discuss its diagnostic value. Methods 120 cases were studied respectively with SE MRI sequence,3D\|TOF MRA with MOTSA and MTC on a GE signa echo speed 1 5T scanner. Results The nets of AVM can be seen on both MRI and MRA,the secondary changes of AVM were well defined on MRI and the three\|dimensional anatomy of AVM could be demonstrated clearly on MRA. Conclusion MRA with MOTSA and MTC has a definable value in noninvasive evaluation of AVM,when combined with MRI,may improve the diagnostic accuracy. [
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology