

Host Behavior Alteration and Its Underlying Molecular Mechanism upon Infection of Insect Baculovirus
摘要 最近的研究发现杆状病毒感染能够诱导宿主昆虫产生行为变化,典型的表现为寄主运动能力的增强。从生物学的角度分析,这是杆状病毒有利于自身传播的操控策略。本文综述了3种典型杆状病毒诱导宿主昆虫行为发生变化的现象以及其可能的分子机制。其中,舞毒蛾核型多角体病毒(LdMNPV)的egt基因能够引起吉普赛舞毒蛾(Lymantria dispar)出现异常活跃的攀爬行为;而家蚕(Bombyx mori)与甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exigua)幼虫分别被家蚕核型多角体病毒(BmNPV)和苜蓿银纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(AcMNPV)感染后,出现爬行异常活跃的行为则是由于病毒中ptp基因的存在。不同种类的杆状病毒对宿主昆虫行为的操控策略不同,对杆状病毒操控宿主行为的分子机制的探索是一个新的研究领域,其研究成果不仅有助于揭示杆状病毒与寄主的互作关系,而且将为农林病虫害的生物防治提供新的参考策略。 Recent studies discovered that baculovirus infection could induce behavior alteration on their host insects. A typical consequence of it is the enhanced locomotor activity. In view of biology, it is a manipulatory strategy of baculovir- us that favors its own transmission. This paper describes behavior alterations in host insect caused by three types of bac- ulovirus and possible molecular mechanisms underlying the alterations. Among them, the egt gene of LdMNPV is essen- tial for the hyperactive climbing behavior of Lymantria dispar, while the ptp gene of BmNPV and AcMNPV is the cause of abnormal wandering behavior of Bombyx mori and Spodoptera exigua lavrae. Different types of baculovirus have various mechanisms in manipulating host insect behavior. Studies on the underlying molecular mechanisms of such behavior ma- nipulations constitute a new and fascinating research field. It will not only uncover the interactive relationship between baculovirus and their host insects but also provide new strategy for biological control of agricultural and forestry pests/ diseases.
出处 《蚕业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1005-1010,共6页 ACTA SERICOLOGICA SINICA
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.31272506)
关键词 杆状病毒 EGT基因 ptp基因 昆虫宿主 行为 Baculovirus egt gene ptp gene Insect host Behavior
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