

Nondestructive inspection of chemical warfare based on API-TOF
摘要 化学战剂的快速、准确、实时、非破坏性检测和定量分析对防化、反恐和国家安全是非常重要的,伴随α粒子成像的快中子飞行时间法(API-TOF)可用于隐藏的化学战剂无损检测。利用内置伴随α粒子探测器的中子管、屏蔽体、阵列NaI(Tl)探测器、电子学系统和控制系统建立了一套化学战剂的移动式无损检测原型装置。并利用该装置对芥子气、沙林、梭曼、VX、和路易氏剂等战剂进行了检测,检测结果表明,该系统可用于化学战剂的快速、无损检测。 Background: Real-time, fast, accurate, nondestructive inspection (NDI) and quantitative analysis for chemical warfares are very imperative for chemical defense, anti-terror and nation security. Purpose: Associated Particles Technique (APT)/Neutron Time of Flight (TOF) has been developed for non-invasive inspection of sealed containers with chemical warfare agents. Methods: A prototype equipment for chemical warfare is consisted of an APT neutron generator with a 3×3 matrix of semiconductor detectors of associated alpha-particles, the shielding protection of neutron and gamma-ray, arrayed Nal(T1)-based detectors of gamma-rays, fully-digital data acquisition electronics, data analysis, decision-making software, support platform and remote control system. Inelastic scattering gamma-ray pulse height spectra of sarin,VX, mustard gas and adamsite induced by 14-MeV neutron are measured. The energies of these gamma rays are used to identify the inelastic scattering elements, and the intensities of the peaks at these energies are used to reveal their concentrations. Results: The characteristic peaks of inelastic scattering gamma-ray pulse height spectra show that the prototype equipment can fast and accurately inspect chemical warfare. Conclusion: The equipment can be used to detect not only chemical warfare agents but also other hazardous materials, such as chemical/toxic/drug materials, if their chemical composition is in any way different from that of the surrounding materials.
出处 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期59-64,共6页 Nuclear Techniques
基金 国防科工局军用技术推广专项(2011-685) 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划项目(2011BAK04B05)资助
关键词 化学战剂 快中子飞行时间法(API—TOF) 无损检测 特征γ射线 Chemical weapon, Associated Particles Technique/Neutron Time of Flight (API-TOF), Non-destructiveevaluation, Characteristic gamma-ray
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