
品牌战略对企业价值的影响路径分析 被引量:3

Path Analysis of Brand Strategy to the Enterprise Value
摘要 传统的企业价值影响因素研究集中在公司治理、管理者素质、股权制衡等方面,本文的研究从品牌管理的角度出发分析品牌战略与企业价值的关系,并在文献梳理的基础上提出了品牌战略对企业价值的影响路径,指出了影响路径中的关联网络类型、信息经济性、溢出效应和共同特征等关键影响因素。模型的建立不仅从理论上构建了基于消费者的品牌战略与企业价值的关系,对企业的战略管理及其实现策略也就有指导意义。 The traditional research of effecting factors of firm value focuses on corporate governance, manager's quality, stock checks and balances and so on. From the point of brand management and based on literatures, this Research puts forward the path from brand strategy to the firm value and pointed out the impact factors such as social association network type, economies of information, spillover effect and the common factors. We not only establish the theoretical model of the relationship between customer based branding strategy and firm value, but also propose instructive significance of the strategic enterprise management and implementation strategy.
出处 《上海管理科学》 CSSCI 2013年第5期1-5,共5页 Shanghai Management Science
关键词 品牌战略 企业价值 信息经济性 溢出效应 品牌资产 Branding strategy Firm value Economiesof information Spillover effect Brand equity
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