
德国埃及学研究二百年 被引量:2

Egyptology in Germany for Two Centuries
摘要 德国的埃及学研究具有悠久的历史,在国际埃及学界占据重要地位。本文对德国近二百年来的埃及学研究进行了系统的评述,认为以柏林学派为代表的德国学者们的理性主义、科学主义、历史主义精神,将国际埃及学研究推进到一个新的高度,使埃及学发展成为一门科学。德国埃及学研究近二百年来的发展路过值得我们思考和借鉴:一、埃及学跨学科、多领域的研究越来越明显;二、埃及学为历史学、宗教学、文化学等其他人文学科提供了参考和借鉴;三、埃及学的国际化程度越来越高,国际合作变得越来越密切;四、语言文字的研究与埃及考古需要齐头并进,才能将国际埃及学研究推向一个新的高度。 This article explores the beginning and the development of German Egyptological studies,which is divided into five parts.Part 1:the beginning of German Egyptology,discussing the contribution of Richard Lepsius and Heinrich Brugsch to the foundation of German Egyptology.Part 2:the further development of German Egyptology,dealing with the contribution of Berlin School,headed by Adold Erman,who put Egyptology into a scientific discipline.Part 3:the reverse of German Egyptology,discussing the German Egyptology during the Nazi period.Part 4;the recovery of German Egyptology,dealing with the overall development of German Egyptology after Nazi period till today.The present German Egyptology aims at establishing its leading position both in Egyptian archaeology and in Egyptian philological studies.In conclusion,from a Chinese perspective,there are some problems in German Egyptological studies today.Firstly,German Egyptology put superfluous efforts on the study of late Egyptology,especially on the Greek-Roman papyrus documents studies,which deviates from the traditional Egyptology that focuses on the Pharaonic period studies.Secondly,the studies on ancient Egyptian language and writings are not enough by today's German Egyptologists.Thirdly,since more and more German Egyptologists have changed into English writing,whether this effect is positive or negative to German Egyptology is still obscure.
作者 王海利
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期122-132,161,共11页 Historiography Bimonthly
基金 教育部青年基金项目"古埃及文字研究"(09YJC740005)阶段性成果 2010年度德意志学术交流中心王宽诚教育基金会资助~~
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  • 1This study was financed by DAAD K. C. WongFellowships during 1. 2010 -4. 2010 at the University of Ttibingen. The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the K. C. Wong Education Foundation and DAAD.
  • 2Jean-Francois Champoltion ,Lettre d M. Dacier, relative l'alphabet des hioglyphes phontiques, Paris 1822.
  • 3Richard Lepsius, Lettre M. le Professeur H. Rosellini sur l'alphabet hiroglyphique, Rome 1837.
  • 4Richard Lepsius ,Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien, 12 Bande, Berlin 1849- 1859.
  • 5古奇:《十九世纪历史学与历史学家》,第706页.
  • 6汤普森:《历史著作史》下卷,商务印书馆1992年版,第634页.
  • 7汤普森.《历史著作史》,商务印书馆1992年版.
  • 8Heinrich Brugsch, Grammaire dmotique, Berlin 1855.
  • 9Heinrich Brugsch,Hieroglyphisch-demotisches Wrterbuch,7 Bande,Berlin 1867- 1882.
  • 10汤普森:《历史著作史》下卷第162页,商务印书馆,北京,1992年.


  • 1(英)古奇(Gooch,G.P.)著,耿淡如.十九世纪历史学与历史学家[M]商务印书馆,1989.
  • 2Rosalie David.The Experience of Ancient Egypt. .
  • 3Adolf Erman,translated by Aylward M.Blackman.The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians. . 1927
  • 4Adolf Erman,translated by Aylward M.Blackman.The Ancient Egyptians:a Sourcebook of their Writings. . 1966
  • 5James Henry Breasted.A History of Egypt. . 1905
  • 6James Henry Breasted.Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt. . 1912
  • 7Warren R Dawson,Eric P.Uphill.Who was Who in Egyptology. . 1995
  • 8W.F.Albrigh t."How Well Can We Know the Ancient East?". Journal of the American Oriental Society . 1936
  • 9Christoper Johnston."Erman’’s Egyptian Grammar,". Journal of the American Oriental Society . 1904
  • 10Christoper Johnston."Erman’’s Egyptian Grammar". Journal of the American Oriental Society . 1904











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