The carbon dioxide gas was revealed generally one of substantial cause global climate warming. The main primary energy of our country is coal, and the enterprises" carbon dioxide discharge composes half approximately. The turbine exhaust steam afterheat may be used by heat pump technology, and the heat is used for the regeneration of MEA solution to reduce the carbon capture cost. As 600MW units for example, through comparing the thermal efficiency of the unit installed advanced carbon seizure device and the unit installed advanced carbon seizure device, the result indicates the original carbon seizure device, the result indicates the thermal efficiency of installed advanced carbon seizure device have distinct enhancement. For the advanced carbon system, the steam extraction quantity is 317.04 t/h when the carbon capture rate is 90%, and the thermal efficiency drops 7.35% , enhancing 5.41% compared to the traditional method. Along with the carbon captureg rate changing, the slope of the wet cold unit efficiency change curve is bigger than the direct air - cooled unit, but the two "s disparity gets smaller along with carbon capture rate enlargement.
Applied Energy Technology
Carbon capture
Waste heat utilization
Heat pump technology
Efficient analysis