以滩海油气平台为研究对象,利用大涡模拟软件FDS,对油气传输区因管线油气泄漏引发的火灾事故进行数值模拟,分析火焰几何特性、温度与热辐射的空间分布,以临界值为评判标准确定危险区域范围。通过对比不同来风方向的火灾事故危险范围,探讨风向对火灾事故后果的影响程度。结果表明:无风情况下,热辐射是火灾后果的主导因素,50 mm泄漏孔径的喷射火在充分燃烧时火焰最高温度为1 500℃,喷射口15 m以内为危险区域;顺风风向对平台空间区域的危害程度最大。最后通过动态模拟分析结果提出风险控制措施。
The present paper is aimed at bringing forward the fire risk analysis of the offshore oil-and-gas platforms based on FDS software so as to meet the demand of safety and security in oil-and-gas ex- ploitation and production. The reason we choose to use the FDS soft- ware is to establish a fire numerical simulated model based on the large eddy simulation, which is used to estimate the likely damage of the jet fire that may happen in the oil and gas transmission area due to the pipehne leakage via the analysis of the flame shape, spatial distribution of thermal radiation, the temperature as well as the fire growth and spreading situation. The division of dangerous area and the affecting extent to the adjacent facilities and equipment have also been discussed according to the critical value. The calculation results show that the thermal radiation is more serious influential factor under calm condition as compared with the temperature, the production platform, the trestle and the oil tank are subject to greater risks from the jet fire likely to be generated during the processing and trans- portation process by the leakage.: When combustion reaches its fully burning stage, the maximum flame temperature tends to be as high as over 1 500 ~C in the 50 mm diameter of leakage center. In addition, we have also done different wind force and tendency detections with a comparative analysis being done as to the results of working conditions so as to control the effect of wind detection. In order to make qualita- tive and quantitative analysis, we have also installed a few simulated 'detectors at the different loeation~: Thus, our analysis reveals that the hazards under the downwind condition would bring greater disaster than the upward-wind and other situations. Furthermore, we have compared the mean measurement results with the data gained in static wind situations as the contrasted data. Finally, it can be inferred that higher thermal radiation intensity can also be resulted in at the down- wind locations. Meanwhile an increasing hazards may also hit the e- quipment and facilities in the downwind direction. Through the fire dynamic simulation, we have also conducted the study on the regular- ity of the flame spreading and degree of likely consequences. And, in the end, we have brought forward a few practical suggestions on the fire risk control so as to raise level of the risk-combating and emer- gency protection.
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety engineering
central platform
jet fire
numerical simulation