
城市供水系统优化调度模糊多属性决策方法研究 被引量:1

Fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making method of urban water supply optimized scheduling
摘要 针对城市供水系统优化调度决策方案优选问题,应用模糊多属性决策理论和方法建立方案优选模型。该模型引入三角模糊数,将定性指标及权重值进行量化,克服了定性指标和定量指标不具有可比性的不足,采用模糊折中型决策方法对模型进行求解,以模糊理想解、模糊负理想解和同时以模糊理想解和模糊负理想解为参照基准进行了实例验证,并对不同参照基准所得到的结果进行了比较。结果表明,该模型计算方便,具有较强的可操作性。 The present paper is to introduce our fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making method for urban water supply optimized scheduling. Facing the great challenge of urban water supply shortage in many Chinese cities, it turns to be significant to optimize the urban water supply system so as to satisfy the demands of the enterprise efficiency and the secure convenient urban living. To solve the historical chal- lenge of our urban water supply problem, we have established the op- timized model based on the fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making the- ory in this paper. They are qualitative and quantitative indexes re- spectively. However, in the traditional method it is difficult to take account of the two indexes. So triangular fuzzy function is employed to quantify the qualitative indicators and weights. In the process of e- valuating optimal dispatcher, it is necessary to make sure that the e- valuating factors should be comprehensive with the corresponding re- suits being reliable and decure. In this paper, we have put forward a fuzzy compromising decision-making method to solve the problem, in which we have defined four important factors for the water supply reg- ulation as the evaluating standard indexes, that is, the water cost, water-supply revenue, the management difficulty and the environment benefit. And, correspondingly, we have also developed three differ- ent reference standards, that is, the fuzzy positive ideal solution, the fuzzy negative ideal solution and their balanced combination. Com- paring the results of different reference standards, we have found that there are a few different results in the case order under the three ref- erence standards. The results from the fuzzy positive ideal solution and fuzzy negative solution prove to be better for their good operabili- ty. They can not only satisfy the estimating conclusion of experts, but also enjoy a strong regulation power. It turns to be feasible for the op- timal program of the urban water supply system scheduling.
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期250-253,共4页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51008207) 天津市科技支撑计划重点项目(09ZCGYSF02200)
关键词 市政工程 模糊多属性决策 城市供水系统 优化调度 municipal engineering fuzzy multi-attribute decision- making the urban water supply system optimal scheduling
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