Event-related potentials (ERPs) were measured in the brains of 14 normal young adults carrying out a magnitude comparison task. Our experiment included a simple context consisting exclusively of common fractions or decimal fractions, and a mixed context with both symbols interspersed. The aim of the present study was to examine the critical distinction between the processing of common fractions versus that of decimal fractions by comparing the context effect of the two symbols. The results showed that: Context had an effect on error rate for common fractions but not for decimal fractions. Our electrophysiological data reflected symbol-specific processing in N1, P2p, P2 and N2. Context did affect N1, P2p and P2 amplitude, and N2 latency for common fractions. Only N2 amplitude and latency were affected by context for decimal fractions. Our results indicated that differences in perceptual identification, extraction of numeral symbolic meaning, numerical magnitude representation and category-response associations may be the main source of the specific processing differences between common and decimal fraction symbols.
Psychological Research
common and decimal fractions
specific processing
numerical magnitude comparison in classification
event-related brain potentials (ERPs)