
多糖蛋白结合疫苗中载体蛋白的研究与应用 被引量:14

Research and Application of Protein Carriers of Polysaccharide-Protein Conjugate Vaccines
摘要 多糖蛋白结合疫苗能弥补多糖疫苗的局限性,有效预防和控制脑膜炎球菌、肺炎球菌、b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌等侵袭性细菌引起的婴幼儿和高危人群感染。目前,多糖蛋白结合疫苗的研制范围日趋广泛,但可供选择的载体蛋白种类有限,载体蛋白的重复使用可能会引起免疫干扰等现象。为满足结合疫苗发展的需要,解决载体蛋白单一的现状,各种新型载体蛋白正在不断开发,现就多糖蛋白结合疫苗中载体蛋白的研究、应用和发展前景进行综述。 Polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccine is able to compensate for the limitations of the polysaccharide vaccine,which can effectively prevent and control of infection on infants and high- risk populations caused by many invasive bacteria, such as meningococcus, pneumococcal meningitis, haemophilus influenzae type b, etc. At present, the research of polysacchaide-protein conjugate vaccine is becoming more extensive. But the types of protein carriers are limited, thus the repeated use of the same carrier may cause immune interference.To meet the demand of the conjugate vaccines and resolve the status of limited types of protein carriers, a variety of new protein carriers are constantly being develped. This review describes the current research, application and development prospects on protein carriers of polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccines.
出处 《中国疫苗和免疫》 CAS 2013年第4期355-360,共6页 Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
基金 国家863计划“疫苗效果和质量评价新技术研究”(2012AA02A402)
关键词 多糖蛋白结合疫苗 载体蛋白 Polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccine Protein carrier
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