
12只虎的亚种鉴别 被引量:1

Subspecies Assignment of Tiger:a Case of Twelve Disputable South China Tigers
摘要 圈养虎亚种归属的模糊性经常会导致亚种间无意的杂交和同一亚种的种群被分开。形态特征,如体长、头骨特征、毛皮着色和条纹图案等变化的范围很宽泛,所以对于亚种鉴别来说是不准确的。本研究利用一套东北虎(n=33)、孟加拉虎(n=11)、华南虎(n=21)11个微卫星位点的亚种数据,鉴定了12只疑为华南虎的所属亚种。首先用WHICHRUN软件计算可疑个体属于某个亚种的对数似然值L(n),将L(n)按照亚种进行比较,得出最大值L(max),再计算L(n)/L(max)的比值,该比值介于01之间,越趋近于0表明其属于某个亚种的可能性越小,越趋近于1,表明属于某个亚种的可能性越大。结果表明,12只可疑虎都不是华南虎。本研究的微卫星数据和方法可用于虎的亚种鉴别,如果扩大到所有现存亚种,且每个亚种的样本数进一步扩大,则鉴别的可靠性会进一步提高。 Ambiguity of subspecies adscription of captive tigers often leads to inadvertent hybridization of subspecies or separation of populations belonging to the same subspecies.Morphological characters such as body size,skull measurements,pelage coloration,and striping patterns vary over wide ranges and are therefore not applicable to conventional subspecies assignment.We provide a molecular data set of 11 microsatellites containing 33 Amur tigers(Panthera tigris altaica),21 South China tigers(P.t.amoyensis) and 11 Bengal tigers(P.t.tigris) as a basis for subspecies assignment of 12 tigers suspected to be P.t.amoyensis.Using WHICHRUN software,we calculated the log likelihood(L(n)) of a tiger belonging to a given subspecies.L(n)values for each tiger were compared to identify the maximum L(n),or L(max).We calculated the ratio L(n)|/L(max)for each of the 12 suspect tigers for each of the three subspecies and a set of values ranging from 0 to 1 was obtained.The closer the ratio to 0,the smaller the likelihood the tiger belonged to that subspecies,and vice versa None of the 12 suspect tigers was adscribed to P.t.amoyensis.The microsatellite data set and procedure can be applied to subspecies adscription of other individual tigers,and will become more reliable if the data set expands to include all surviving subspecies and more known tigers.
出处 《野生动物》 2013年第3期135-140,共6页
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才培养计划(NCET-10-0280) 福建省龙岩市科技计划项目(2011LY17
关键词 亚种鉴别 微卫星 Panthera tigris Subspecies adscription Microsatellite
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