2010年10月~2011年10月,对大庆萨尔图机场及周边生境的鸟类种类和数量进行了调查,调查共记录到鸟类15目29科89种,其中夏候鸟57种,约占鸟类总数的64.0%;旅鸟8种,约占鸟类总数的9%;冬候鸟6种,约占鸟类总数的6.7%;留鸟18种,约占鸟类总数的20.2%,在机场飞行区内发现鸟类20种。采用Geo InSight国际有限公司根据合同与美国空军共同开发的US BAM的避鸟模型,对大庆萨尔图机场飞行区内鸟类进行危险指数测定及排序,以便驱鸟人员明确对飞机构成威胁的鸟类种类,从而达到有针对性地驱除危险指数高的鸟类的目的。
We investigated bird species representation and population numbers at Daqing Saertu Airport and peripheral areas from October 2010 to October 2011.We recorded 89 species of birds of 15 orders and 29 families.Among the 89 species,57 are summer visitors,accounting for 64%of the species total,8 are passage migrants,accounting for 9%;6 are winter visitors,accounting for 7%;18 are residents,accounting for 20%.Twenty species were found in the area of the airport and airline flight paths.We determined the danger index of the 20 species using the risk index assessment method used by Delaware Air Force Base at Danver,Delaware,U.S.The risks of these 20 species were ranked based on the danger index to help the airport staff understand species threats to aircraft and to guide dispersal of birds of the higher risk index species.