观察中性粘多糖(neutralmucopolysaccharideNM)对缺血再灌注沙土鼠红细胞 β-内啡肽(β-endorphinβ-EP)和免疫粘附功能(redcellimmuneadherence,RCIA)的影响 ,进一步探讨NM对防治缺血再灌注脑组织损伤的机理。方法采用蒙古种沙土鼠缺血再灌注模型分别测定红细胞β-EP(RBC -β-EP)以及RCIA ,观察两者相互关系。结果提前喂服NM在沙土鼠缺血再灌注时RBC -β-EP含量明显降低 ,RCIA能力增强 ;随RBC -β-EP含量下降 ,RCIA功能有所加强。结论NM在沙土鼠脑缺血再灌注时具有阻断RBC
Objective. To investigate the effect of NM upon RBC-β-EP anf RCIA during cerebral ischemia_reperfusion in gerbil and to probe into the protective effect of NM upon brain damage following cerebral ischemia and reperfusion.Methods RCIA and RBC-β-EP were both measured in models of cerebral ischmia and reperfusion of Mongolian gerbil. Results RBC-β-EP decreases markedly while RCIA strengthens during cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in gerbil pretreated with NM. Conclusions RBC-β-EP promoted the function of RCIA, excessive amounts of RBC-β-EP inhibited the function of RCIA. This suggests that NM can block RBC-β-EP production. It contributes to improve the function of RCIA in cerebral ischemia reperfusion.
Journal of Chinese Microcirculation