
客运专线牵引网雷击率的计算 被引量:1

Calculation of Lightning Strike Rate of Traction Power Network of Passenger Dedicated Railway
摘要 介绍了一种牵引网悬挂导线雷击率的算法,该算法用取向角概率密度函数来考虑下行先导发展路径的随机性特征,并计算了取向角上、下限函数。根据雷电流的概率密度函数在悬挂导线受雷曲面上积分确定等值受雷面积,再由等值受雷面积和地面落雷密度确定雷击率。基于该算法,在MATLAB中进行了编程计算并应用到一个实例。此外,还分析了导线高度和雷击距系数对雷击率的影响,并将本文计算结果与先前报道计算结果作了对比。结果表明,在考虑导线高度和雷击距系数影响后计算结果与先前报道结果相比差别较大。 An efficient algorithm for calculating lightning strike rate of traction power network is introduced. The algorithm takes account of the random characteristic of downward leader development by using the probability density function of the approach angle, and upper and lower limit functions of the approach angles are calculated. The surface integral is performed to determine the equivalent striking areas of the overhead lines in terms of the probability density functions of lightning current. The lightning strike rate is obtained by using the equivalent striking areas and ground flash density. Based on the algorithm, the MATLAB program is developed and an application example is also given. Furthermore, an investigation is made for the influence of the height of overhead line and coefficient of lightning striking distance on the lightning strike rate. The calculated results are compared with the results reported previously to examine the difference between them.
出处 《电瓷避雷器》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第5期79-84,共6页 Insulators and Surge Arresters
关键词 电气几何模型 先导随机取向角 雷击距系数 雷击率 EGM leader random approach angle lightning striking distance coefficient lightningstrike rate
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