
推挽升压型耦合电能传输系统DC/DC变换器研究 被引量:1

Research on the Push-pull Boost DC/DC Converter of Coupled Power Transfer System
摘要 针对耦合电能传输(CPT)系统中品质因数过高会使系统传输效率降低的问题,提出一种带推挽升压变压器的CPT系统DC/DC变换器,给出了品质因数与电压放大倍数的关系,从而通过合理选择初、次级匝数比使系统品质因数控制在合适范围内,该变换器还具有驱动简单,负载适应性强的特点。基于交流阻抗分析,给出了该变换器的交流等效电路,对初级补偿电容、输入输出电压特性进行了分析计算。最后,基于实验样机对理论分析进行了验证。 For the problem of decreased transmission efficiency in high quality factor coupled power transfer(CPT) systems, a DC/DC converter of CPT system is presented which contains a step-up push-pull transformer in it.The relationship between the quality factor and the voltage gain is given,thus by reasonably selecting the transformer turns ratio, the system' s quality factor can be controlled in the proper range,the converter also has features of simply driving and load adaptability.Based on AC impedance analysis,the AC equivalent circuit of the converter is given.The primary compensation capacitance,input and output voltage characteristics are analyzed and calculated.Finally,a prototype is built to verify the theoretical analysis.
机构地区 河南省电力公司
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期76-78,共3页 Power Electronics
关键词 变换器 推挽升压 阻抗分析 电压特性 converter push-pull boost impedance analysis voltage characteristics
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