
战略导向、组织创新性与经营绩效关系的实证研究 被引量:3

Organizational Innovativeness:Strategic Orientation Antecedents,Performance Consequence and Environmental Moderator
摘要 基于资源基础观的视角,探讨了组织创新性的战略导向前因和绩效结果以及市场变动的调节作用。对258家中小制造型出口企业的问卷调查结果显示:①除直接效应外,市场导向和创业导向还通过学习导向为中介间接推进组织创新性,市场导向对组织创新性的影响大于创业导向的影响;②组织创新性能显著改善经营绩效;③市场变动显著调节创业导向对组织创新性的影响路径,但对战略前因-组织创新性-经营绩效框架中的其他关系并不存在显著的调节作用。 The paper aims at examining the strategic antecedents and performance consequence of organizational innovativeness as well as moderating effect of market turbulence from the perspective of Resource-Based View. Based on a questionnaire survey of 258 small and medium sized manufacturing exporters, our research results: (1) Besides direct effect, market orientation and entrepreneurial orien- tation also impact firm's innovativeness indirectly via learning orientation as a potential mediator; Market orientation plays a more significant role in enhancing organizational innovativeness, in terms of direct, indirect and total effects, compared with entrepreneurial orientation~ (2)Organizational inno- vativeness is positively related to business performance; (3)Market turbulence significantly moderates the impact of entrepreneurial orientation upon innovativeness, but it has no significant moderating effect upon other links in the framework incorporating strategic antecedents, organizational innova- tiveness and business performance.
作者 张婧 段艳玲
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期1625-1633,共9页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70872036 71272125) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助(第35批) 中央高校基本科研业务费研究资助项目(2011WB011)
关键词 组织创新性 学习导向 市场导向 创业导向 经营绩效 资源基础观 organizational innovativeness learning orientation market orientation entrepre-neurial orientation business performance resource-based view (RBV)
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