
基于价格调整策略的多产品供应链弹性研究 被引量:9

Resilience management for a multiple-product supply chain based on price adjusting strategy
摘要 针对纵向差异化空间下生产两种可替代产品的垄断供应链,建立了制造商的消费者占有率和销售利润模型,分析了一种产品供应中断的情况下,另一种产品的价格调整策略如何通过产品之间的可替代效应影响消费者占有率和销售利润,研究了供应中断情况下的动态价格调整策略.分别从消费者占有率和销售利润两个角度提取供应链弹性指标,分析了动态价格调整策略对供应链弹性能力的影响.研究结果表明:在一种产品供应中断的情况下,如果对另一种产品降价,那么两个供应链弹性指标将会随着价格的降低呈现出此消彼长的态势,如果对另一种产品提价,那么两个供应链弹性指标将会随着价格的提高表现出更加复杂的变化规律. Producing and selling multiple substitute products has been popular. Models for computing the customer's share for different products and the sales profit of the manufacturer are proposed for a monopoly supply chain, which produces two substitute products. This paper analyzes other products price adjustment strategy how to influence the customer's share for different products and the sales profit of the manufacturer through the substitution effect, when the supply for one product is disrupted. Two supply chain resilience indicators are proposed separately from the aspect of both the customer's share and the sales profit to investigate the effect of the price adjusting strategy on supply chain resilience. The results show that, when supply of one product is disrupted, if the prices of the other product were reduced, the two resilience indicators will change in different directions; if the prices of the other product were increased, the change of the two resilience indicators will become more complex.
出处 《系统工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期641-650,共10页 Journal of Systems Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71171050) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划资助项目(CXZZ12_0107) 东南大学优秀博士学位论文基金资助项目(YBJJ1237)
关键词 供应中断 替代品 供应链弹性 价格策略 supply disruption substitute products supply chain resilience pricing strategy
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