
骨折的X线、CT和MRI诊断对比研究 被引量:3

Comparison of X- ray,CT and MRI in detection of bone fracture
摘要 目的:比较X线、CT和MRI在骨折中的诊断价值。方法:回顾分析168例骨折患者的影像资料(包括X线平片、CT和MRI)。应用X2检验对X线平片、CT和MRI显示骨折敏感度进行统计分析。结果:168例患者的408处骨折中,X线平片、CT和MRI显示骨折数目分别为298、396和406处。CT和MRI显示骨折敏感度相近(x2=0.17,P>0.05),2者均优于X线平片(x2值分别为15.01和14.46,P值均<0.05)。MRI除显示骨折外,显示骨挫伤163例,韧带损伤65例,脊髓损伤37例,关节腔及关节囊积液(血-液平)46例,骨折累及软骨33例。结论:MRI能发现X线平片和CT不能显示的骨髓、软骨、韧带及脊髓等损伤。骨折合并症及骨折分期诊断价值优于X线平片和CT。 Objective:To compare X - ray, CT, and MRI in detection of bone fracture. Methods: 168 cases of bone fracture with ima- ging diagnosis (including X -Ray, CT and MRI) were analyzed retrospectively. The Chi -square test was used to analyze the uniformity of bone fracture detected by X - ray, CT, and MRI. Results : Of the 408 bone fracture in 168 patients ,298 bone fractures were found by X - ray, 396 bone fracture by CT and 406 bone fracture by MR|. With regard to the detection of bone fracture, there was no difference be- tween CT and MRI( x2 = 0.17, P 〉 0. 05 ) and there was significant difference between CT and X - ray or MRI and X - ray( x2 = 15.01 and 14.46, P 〈 0.05 ). MR/was better than other X - ray and CT in detect of bone fracture. The else changes of bone fracture were deter- mined by MRI , which included hone contusion in 163 patients, ligaments injuries in 65 patients, spinal cord injuries in 37 patients, artic- ular cavity hydrops in 46 patients and cartilage injuries in 33 patients. Conclusions: MR/could detect the else changes of bone fracture that can not display by X -ray and CT. Compared with radiography and CT, MR/might be more useful in detection of the else changes of bone fracture and staging of hone fracture.
出处 《中国伤残医学》 2013年第10期5-7,共3页 Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine
关键词 骨折 磁共振成像 放射摄影术 体层摄影术 X线计算机 Bone fracture Magnetic resonance imaging Radiography Tomography, X - ray computed
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