
新辅助化疗对乳腺癌保乳治疗的意义 被引量:1

significance of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy to Breast-conserving therapy
摘要 目的:探讨新辅助化疗对局部进展期乳腺癌保乳治疗的意义。方法:40例局部进展期乳腺癌行术前新辅助化疗,化疗结束后满足保乳条件者实施保乳手术,不满足保乳条件者实施全乳房切除术;分析新辅助化疗后的保乳率及保乳手术后的局部复发率及美容效果满意度。结果:90%的患者达到保乳条件,实际实施保乳手术30例,保乳治疗者乳房外观满意率93.33%。经中位48个月(36—60个月)的随访,其局部复发率10%。结论:局部进展期乳腺癌在新辅助化疗后实施保乳治疗是可行的。 Objective: To study the significance of neoadjuvant chemotherapy to breast - conserving therapy for locally advanced breast cancer. Methods :40 patients with locally advanced breast cancer took the neoadjuvant chemotherapy, after which breast - conserving sur- gery and total mastectomy were electively performed depending on the imaging and pathology. Results:In the group, 90% patients became eligible for breast - conserving therapy, 30 patients underwent breast - conserving surgery , and the rate of satisfactory cosmetic results was 93.33%. Follow- up for 36 -60 months showed the recurrence rate was 10%. Conclusion: Breast -conserving therapy offers satis- factory effects on patients with locally advanced breast cancer.
出处 《中国伤残医学》 2013年第10期20-21,共2页 Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine
关键词 乳腺癌 保乳治疗 新辅助化疗 breast cancer breast - conserving therapy neoadjuvant chemotherapy
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