
The Dominant Language in Language Contact

The Dominant Language in Language Contact
摘要 The English and Chinese languages are languages developing in the constant contact with other languages. Both countries experienced foreign or exotic invasion and conquest. In Britain, the language of the conquerors was adopted, while in China, the language of the conquered was honored. One reason is the preference of the particular ruler, the other reason is the level of culture or civilization. From the histories of the English language and the Chinese language, it can be seen that no language acquires importance because of what is assumed to be purely internal advantage. The choice is made by people imitating those with prestige or power in their society. The English and Chinese languages are languages developing in the constant contact with other languages. Both countries experienced foreign or exotic invasion and conquest. In Britain, the language of the conquerors was adopted, while in China, the language of the conquered was honored. One reason is the preference of the particular ruler, the other reason is the level of Culture or civilization. From the histories of the English language and the Chinese language, it can be seen that no language acquires importance because of what is assumed to be purely internal advantage. The choice is made by people imitating those with prestige or power in their society.
作者 李军
出处 《大学英语教学与研究》 2013年第5期29-31,43,共4页 College English Teaching & Research
基金 湖南省教育科学“十二五”规划课题“地方本科院校英语专业翻译教学新模式的构建与实践”阶段性成果(课题批准号XJK013CGD041) 湖南科技学院2013年大学生研究性学习和创新性实验计划项目(湘科院教字201318号文件,编号40)的研究成果.
关键词 英语学习 学习方法 阅读知识 课外阅读 language contact the ruler' s preference military strength cultural strength
  • 相关文献


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  • 2Kennedy Graeme.An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics[]..2000
  • 3Leech Geoffrey N,Short Michael H.Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose[]..2001








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