

On the Syncretism of Politics and Religion and Reincarnation of Living Buddha of Tibet in Yuan and Ming Dynasties
摘要 政教合一,并非西藏自古就有,而是蒙古征服大军压境的形势下元世祖与萨迦派帝师八思巴结盟联手的权宜选择。旨在建立蒙元皇帝与萨迦教派共同凌驾于西藏诸部之上的新统治体制,对结束分裂局面和西藏进入中国版图具有特定功用。活佛转世,也不是古来就有。自元后期噶玛噶举黑帽系率先实施,明中叶格鲁派被迫效仿推广,活佛转世又成为化解教派领袖继承纷争的通行办法。它与佛教追求来世的基本教义照应,在供奉释迦牟尼之外,增设了另一个独立的"活佛"崇拜系统。政教合一与活佛转世的偶然结合,构成了相互支撑、俱荣俱损的西藏神权政体的两大支柱。 Syncretism of politics and religion was not stopgap of Kublai and Sakya sect State Preceptor established since the ancient times in Tibet, but only the Phagpa upon the condition of Mongol army conquest, in order to achieve their purposes by combining with each other and establish a new ruling system over the other Tibetan tribes. However, it had special function to end the secession of Tibet and Tibet started to be one part of the Chinese territory. Reincarnation of living Buddha was neither generated from the ancient times. It was first implemented by Karmakagyupa Black -hat sect in late Yuan Dynasty . In the middle of Ming Dynasty, Gelug sect had to follow it and promoted such ruling regime. It was the usual methods to mediate the inheritance dis- putes of religious leaders. It is corresponding to the doctrine of Buddhism Reincarnation. Besides Sakyamuni Buddha, the religious sect added an independent Living Buddha worshipping system. The accidental combination of syncretism of politics and religion and Reincarnation of Living Buddha supplemented each other, rising or declining together, and constituted two mainstays of Tibet theocracy.
作者 李治安
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期69-77,共9页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目"我国历史上关于社会建设理论的研究"(05&ZD036)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 元明 西藏 政教合一 活佛转世 神权政体 Yuan and Ming Dynasties Tibet syncretism of politics and religion reincarnation of living Buddha theocracy
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