
中小城市规模分布如何影响劳动者工资收入? 被引量:9

How Does the Distribution of Small and Medium Size Cities Affect Labors' Wage?
摘要 本文构建了2004~2011年面板数据,通过使用齐普夫法则(Zipf’s Law)测度了我国中小城市规模分布的特征,并在此基础上研究了该规模分布差异对劳动者工资收入的影响。分析结果显示:中小城市规模的倾斜式发展有助于劳动者工资的绝对收入,这种直接影响约为0.8%~1.1%。同时能够优化工资分配格局,直接改善程度为4.99/6~5.29/6。这种倾斜式发展战略,虽然会在一定程度上缩小工资增长率与劳动生产率增长率之间的差异,但是也会在一定程度上扩大产业生产率与劳动者工资收入的缺口,约为1%。非国有经济发展能够提高收入但是会引致分配格局的恶化,要素市场的发展能够兼顾收入的提升和分配格局的改善。制定合理的政策组合,是我国在推进城镇化过程中跨越“中等收入陷阱”的努力方向。 This paper analyses the asymmetric effects the distribution of small- and medium size cities has on the labors' wage through the measurement of charac- teristics on those cities according to the Zipf's law based on the data ranging from 2004 to 2011. The results show that as following. Fristly, declining development may improve labors' wage and ameliorate wage distribution by 0.8%- 1.1% and 4. 9%-5.2% respectively. Secondly, although this kind of development strategy may widen the absolutely gap between the wage and that of labor productivity by 1 %, it could contribute to close the gap between their growth rates. Finally, devel- opment of non state-owned economy may boost the wage but the side effects can lead to worsened wage distribution, while development of production factors can be beneficial to both. Smart policy mix should be an important way for us to overcome the middle income trap in our urbanization process.
作者 赵颖
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期39-55,72,共18页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 中南财经政法大学2013年度研究生创新教育计划"教育职业错配与劳动者工资的决定"项目(2013B0305)和"流转税对收入分配的影响研究"(2013S0301)的资助
关键词 中小城市 城镇化 均衡有序发展 工资收入 Small and Medium Size Cities Urbanization Balanced and Or- dered Development Wage
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