
2012年高校绩效评价研究报告 被引量:58

A Report on Performance Evaluation Research of Colleges and Universities in 2012
摘要 绩效评价是高等教育从数量发展向质量提升的时代要求,是高校提高公共经费使用效率的现实需要,是世界高等教育评估的普遍趋势。选取教育部直属高校作为高校绩效评价对象,以每年的《教育部直属高校基本情况统计资料汇编》以及教育部等官方网站为数据来源,对72所直属高校进行绩效评价。结果显示,2012年各直属高校之间绩效差异明显。其中,"绩效偏高"为28所,"绩效相当"为16所,"绩效偏低"为28所。学校绩效评价是高等教育评价的拓展而不是替代。对学校进行绩效评价,还有一些共同性的问题值得深入探讨。 Performance evaluation is not only the era demands from quantity development to quality promotion in higher education, the actual requirement of improving the efficiency of public expenditure, but also the general development trend of international higher education evaluation. Taking the colleges and universities directly under the supervision of Ministry of Education as evaluation objects, taking the annual Compilation of Statistics of Basic ln^ormation of Colleges and Universities Directly under the Supervision of Ministry of Education and the official website of Ministry of Education, etc., as data resources, the research has carried out the performance evaluation on 72 colleges and universities directly under the supervision of Ministry of Education. It is found out that the performance difference among the colleges and universities is distinct in 2012. Among which, there are 28 colleges and universities with higher performance, 16 with ordinary performance, and 28 with lower performance. Performance evaluation of colleges and universities is the expansion rather than the substitution of higher education evaluation. And there are still some common problems need in-depth research on performance evaluation in colleges and universities.
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期55-64,共10页 Educational Research
基金 自然科学基金委员会资助面上项目“高校绩效评价及资源配置研究”(项目批准号:71273249)的阶段性成果。项目主持人为袁振国,本文执笔人为袁振国、张男星、孙继红
关键词 高校 绩效评价 投入-产出分析法 college and university, performance evaluation, input-output analysis
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