

Review on "Red Balloon Project" ——Exploration of Undergraduate Education Reform Idea of the United States in the new Century
摘要 美国大学面临政府投入减少、成本上升、公众的期望值提高、技术革新的冲击等诸多挑战,"红气球项目"正是在这样的背景下提出。该项目提出了"重塑大学本科教育"的目标,旨在对大学本科教育进行根本性变革。与其他改革项目相比,"红气球项目"更重视成员间的协作,倡导充分利用技术革新所蕴含的机会,强调系统性和根本性的变革。 Decline in funding, increases in cost, rising expectations and rapid development of technology will profoundly challenge public higher education of the United states. It is under such circumstance that "Red balloon Project" is put forward,which aims at "re-construct undergraduate education" and advocates new reform idea. Comparing to other programs in undergraduate education reform area, Red balloon Project emphasizes collaboration between members, making full use of the opportunities created by technology innovation, as well as stressing systematic and fundamental reform.
作者 王奕俊
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期66-70,共5页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"经济发展方式转变背景下的高技能型人才培养机制构建"(项目编号:10YJC630259)研究成果
关键词 红气球项目 美国大学 本科教育 改革思路 Red Balloon Project Review the Universities of the United States Undergraduate Education Reform Idea
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