根据土壤物理性质测定和水分定位观测结果 ,结合当地气候、作物生育特点 ,将黄泛平原青砂潮土土壤水分垂直性分布划分为 :速变层 ( 0 cm~ 1 0 cm) ,活跃层 ( 1 0 cm~ 30cm )和稳定层 ( 30 cm以下 ) ,将土壤水分季节性动态划分成 :强烈腾发期 ( 4月 1日~ 7月 1 0日 ) ,补充下淋期 ( 7月 1 1日~ 9月 2 0日 ) ,缓慢消耗期 ( 9月 2 1日~ 1 1月 1 0日 )和相对稳定期 ( 1 1月 1 1日~翌年 3月 31日 )。
According to the results of soil physical properties measuring and soil water fixed position observation, and considering the characteristics of the local climate and crop growth, the water vertical distribution of light sandy fluvo aquic soil was divided into rapidly changeable layer(0 cm^10 cm), live layer(10 cm^30 cm) and stable layer(below 30 cm). The season trend of soil water was divided into strong evapotranspiration period (04 01~07 10), supplementary percolation period (07 11~09 20), slow consumption period (09 21~11 10) and relative equilibrium period (11 11~next year 03 31).
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
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