
浅析马来西亚外交战略的发展及其特点 被引量:4

A Preliminary Analysis of the Developments of Malaysia's Diplomatic Strategy and Its Main Features
摘要 马来西亚是东盟创始成员国之一,在中国对东盟外交中具有重要地位。自1957年马来西亚独立以来,马来西亚先后奉行"亲西方政策"、中立外交及"向东看政策",外交重心逐渐从西方转向东亚。当前,随着美国"重返"亚太,中国与周边国家矛盾突显,作为南海争端方的马来西亚却始终以低调、谨慎、开放的态度处理对华关系,维护地区和平稳定与发展大局,成为中国在东盟中难得的合作伙伴。本文将对马来西亚外交战略的发展及其特点进行分析的基础上,提出加强中马关系的建议。 Malaysia is one of the founding countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(the ASEAN), and it has an important role to play in China 's diplomacy with the ASEAN. Since 1959 when Malaysiaw on independ ence, it has follow ed a foreign policy, in succession, from that of'pro-West', to that of neutrality and to that of 'look to the East ', shifting gradually its diplomatic focus from the West to the East. At present, as the United States pivots its gravity to the Asia-Pacific and the contradictions of China and neighboring countries become obvious, Malaysia, though as a party in the South China Sea dispute, has always kept a low-key stance and dealt its relations with China in a cautious and open-minded way. By taking the overall interests in the region into account,Malaysia becomes a rare friend and partner of China in the ASEAN. This article, based on an analysis of the development of Malaysia 's diplomatic strategy and its main features, tries to make some suggestions as to how to strengthen China-Malaysian relations.
作者 骆永昆
出处 《和平与发展》 2013年第5期100-107,112-113,共8页 Peace and Development
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