
大学生体育学习倦怠模型构建及量表编制 被引量:13

Model Specification and Scaling of College Students' Learning Burnout on Physical Education
摘要 运用文献分析、问卷调查等研究方法,以浙江高校的1 050名大学生为被试,对818名有效样本进行统计分析,构建大学生体育学习倦怠结构模型,编制测查量表。结果表明,探索性因素分析表明体育学习倦怠包含情绪低落、行为不当和成就感低3个公因子,验证性因素分析表明学习倦怠最佳结构为三因素模型。量表包含3个维度共18个题项,总量表的Cronbach a系数为0.901,分量表a系数大于或接近0.8,量表内部一致性信度水平较高。量表重测信度系数为0.855。分量表与总量表存在较高的相关,量表内容效度较理想。各分量表之间呈中低相关,量表结构效度较好。编制的"大学生体育学习倦怠量表"具有较好的测量特性,为体育学习倦怠的研究提供有效的测量工具。 Using literature and questionnaire analysis as research methods, taking 1 050 Zhejiang university students as survey, this paper conducts the statistical analysis on 818 valid samples to establish the college students' physical learning lassitude structural model and work out the testing and checking scale. The results show: The exploratory factor analysis shows that the physical learning burnout was composed of three components that are dejection, improper behavior and reduced personal accomplishment. The co^ffirmatory factor analysis shows that the best learning burnout structure is the three-factor model. The scale includes three dimensions of 18 subscales. The Cronbach a coefficient of the total scale is 0. 901, the subscale a coefficient is greater than or close to 0.8, the scale internal consistency reliable levels are higher. The scale retest reliability coefficient is 0. 855. Between subscale and total scale there is a higher correlation. The content validity in the scale is better. Between the subscales showed low correlation, the construct validity of scales is better. The prepared "College Physical Education Learning Burnout Inventory" has good measurement characteristics, providing an effective measurement tool for the research of physical learning burnout.
作者 史青
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期93-96,共4页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
关键词 学习倦怠 结构模型 量表编制 情绪低落 学习兴趣 学习行为 成就感 learning burnout structure model scale-working out emotional depression study interest learning behavior achievability
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