研究了鹅掌楸属种间杂交中的花粉技术和授粉技术 ,结果表明 :( 1 )中国马褂木、北美鹅掌楸及其杂种F1间、(杂 )种内单株间花粉品质差异很大 ,同一单株花粉品质随开花时期不同而呈规律性变化 ,以盛花期花粉萌发率为最高 ;( 2 )鹅掌楸及其种间杂种的花粉经 4℃贮藏后其萌发率迅速下降 ,杂交工作应尽可能使用新鲜花粉 ;( 3)不同花期人工授粉结实率不同 ,杂交工作应充分利用盛花期的 1 0d左右时间。 1d内以 1 3时左右的授粉效果最好 ;( 4 )在初花期和末花期 ,授粉袋能明显提高杂交结实率 ,可在 1 3时左右进行套袋杂交。在盛化期可全天进行不套袋授粉 ,其花粉污染率在 1 %以下。
The pollen and pollination tenhnique of cross breeding in Liriodendron was studied.The results show that:(1)The pollen quality of interspecies and individuals of intraspecies is quite different. The quality changes during the flowering period.It reaches the highest level in the middle stage of flowering period;(2)If the pollen is stored in 4?℃ condition,the survival rate will dropped quickly.So,it is better to use fresh pollen for cross breeding.(3)The filled samara rate of artificial pollination varies during the flowering period and in different time of a day. It is highest in the middle 10 dayes of flowering period and about 1PM. (4)In the early and late stage of flowering period,pollination bags can improve the filled samara rate of controlled pollination.Theirfore,in this period,the artificial pollination should be carried out at 1PM and baged.While,in the middle 10 dayes of flowering peiod,the artificial pollination can be done at any time of a day and neednt bag. The contamination rate is less than 1%.
Journal of Nanjing Forestry University:Natural Sciences Edition