

Design of multi-gap output cavity of strong coupling sheet-beam klystron
摘要 提出了一种强耦合式带状注速调管多间隙输出腔,并将之应用于Ka波段带状注速调管输出腔的设计.此设计可以获得更好的输出耦合特性和理想的场形.更重要的是,这种结构的漂移管允许被设计为对工作频率的截止状态,从而可以获得更理想的电场场形以利于注波互作用.从表面电流的角度分析了这种设计的理论依据.通过使用粒子模拟软件进行仿真,在中心频率获得了稳定的功率输出,互作用效率达到50%以上,3dB带宽约75MHz. A new strong coupling multi-gap output structure has been developed as the output cavity of Ka band sheet beam klystrons. This structure has a better output coupling characteristics and better shape of electric field. Moreover, when the drift tube of the output cavity is cut-off in the operating frequency, an ideal field shape can be obtained as to support more efficient beam-wave interaction. An analysis of the distribution of the surface current supports the design theoretically. A stable output power curve can be observed at the center frequency by using particle-in-cell simulations, where the interaction efficiency is more than 50% and the 3dB bandwidth is about 75MHz.
出处 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期419-424,共6页 Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves
基金 国家自然科学基金(61222110 60971073 61172015)~~
关键词 带状注 强耦合 多间隙输出腔 sheet-beam strong coupling multi-gap output cavity
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