对Smart 2006型热值仪的预处理单元和主机内部的相对密度测量单元、华白数测量单元的工作原理进行了介绍,该热值仪通过将二次助燃空气、环境助燃空气引入燃烧系统,保证了煤气的充分燃烧,能够提高测量的可靠性。该热值仪已在武钢热态试验室成功投运,热值测量值与同步取样分析结果相比误差小于0.2%,并且能够及时反映燃烧器试验期间燃气成分调整过程中的热值变化情况,测量灵敏度高,若将热值测量值通过热值仪预留的标准信号输出接口输出到工业炉工控机,还可望实现工业炉的燃烧自动控制。
The Smart 2006 calorimeter contains two main parts: pre-processing unit and calculation unit, the calculation unit consists of the specific gravity calculating unit and the wobbe index calculating unit. In this paper, the operating principles of these units were described. The calorimeter worked successfully in the hot-testing laboratory of WISCO (Wuhan Iron & Steel Corporation) and could measure coal gases' calorific value continuously and accurately, and reflected the calorific value's fluctuation of the coal gas rapidly during the burner's experiment period. If the coal gas' calorific value was put into the industrial computer of the furnace, the combustion system's automobile control of the furnace would be realized.
Wisco Technology