
基于电视游戏节目的香港居民风险决策分析 被引量:3

Risky choice pattern of Hong Kong residents: Empirical analysis based on a TV game show
摘要 本文对香港电视游戏节目《一掷千金》中参与者的风险决策行为进行了研究分析.发现标准的期望效用函数对于解释这些决策行为存在较大的局限性,而考虑了路径依赖的前景理论会表现较好.通过与荷兰、德国、美国节目的同类研究进行比较,本文还发现香港居民的决策行为具有一系列独特的风格.具体特点如:香港居民没有表现出明显的赌场赢利效应;其参考水平的变化对游戏价值即期变动的反应程度较低,但对其整体变化趋势特别敏感;个体之间的行为模式差异更为不明显.本文从文化差异的视角对这些特点进行了解释. We examine the risky choices of contestants in a Hong Kong TV game show where large monetary a- mounts are at stake. Our results reveal some difficulties for using the traditional expected utility theory to ex- plain their behaviours and favor a path-dependent prospect theory. In particular, we find that the risk attitudes of Hong Kong contestants differ significantly from those in western countries (Netherlands, Germany, and the United States) in several aspects, including: 1 ) the house money effect is insignificant; 2 ) the reference point is sensitive to the entire change trend relative to the initial game situation; 3 ) individual differences are less prominent. We offer possible explanations for the cross-cultural differences.
出处 《管理科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期1-10,共10页 Journal of Management Sciences in China
基金 香港研究资助局资助项目(CUHK414610) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71001029) 上海市浦江人才计划资助项目
关键词 风险决策 期望效用理论 前景理论 文化差异 decision making under risk expected utility theory prospect theory cross-cultural differences
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