

Link adaptation in acoustic channel based on HARQ
摘要 水声信道的多径扩展严重、环境噪声高、带宽受限、传输时延大等特点,极大地制约了水声通信系统的可靠性和有效性。链路自适应(LA)和混合自动重传(HARQ)常用来改善无线链路的可靠性和有效性,但是它们在水声环境中的性能与影响尚不明确。因此,文中主要研究水声信道中链路自适应和混合自动重传的联合优化。首先分析水声信道中不同的调制编码方式(MCS)的误码率性能。然后通过联合研究LA和HARQ技术在水声信道中的性能,文中提出一种适用于水声信道的联合LA和HARQ技术。 Acoustic channel experiences severe multi-path extension, bandwidth and large transmission and propagation delay, thus greatly high ambient reducing the noise, limited reliability and effectiveness of acoustic communication system. LA ( Link Adaptation) and HARQ ( Hybrid Automatic Repeat request) can be used to improve the reliability and effectiveness of the wireless link performance. Therefore,this paper is to study and combine LA and HARQ. This paper firstly analyzed FER (Frame Error Rate) of different MCS ( Modulation and Coding Scheme) in acoustic channel. The combined LA and HARQ were then put into underwater acousdc channel, and a new method based on combined LA and HARQ was proposed adaptive to acoustic channel. It aims to improve the expected throughput and optimize the link-level performance of the channel due to dynamic selection of MCS and ARQ type.
出处 《信息技术》 2013年第10期22-26,共5页 Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61102051 61221001)
关键词 水声信道 链路自适应 混合自动重传 调制和编码方式 期望吞吐量 acoustic channel link adaptation ( LA ) hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) modulation and coding scheme (MCS) expected throughput
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