
长江源区植物区系研究 被引量:19

The floristic characteristics in the source area of Changjiang (Yangtze) River
摘要 长江源区位于青海省西南部 ,北纬 31°35′~ 36°30′,东经 89°35′~ 97°55′。本地区共有种子植物 62科、32 1属、1 377种。区系特征表现为 :1 .温带成分占 96.81 % ,以绝对优势确定了本区系明显的温带性质。2 .世界成分多为衍生 ,更兼所含的中国特有属亦多为衍生 ,表明本区系的年轻性和衍生的性质。 3.主要植被均属典型的高寒类型 ,它们的建群种亦多为典型的高寒植被的特征种。所以 ,本区系高寒植被典型 ,特征种典型 ,高寒区系特色明显。4.生态环境对本区系特征的塑造表现为高寒生态因子的选择和高山特化的作用强烈 ,而在一定程度上湿冷生性质和寒旱生性质的高山特化作用更为明显。长江源区的植物区系是唐古特地区高山区系的代表之一。在中国特有种的分析中 ,本区系与横断山和甘肃南部区系的联系最为密切 ,三者间的共有种最为丰富 ,有 593种 ,占本区中国特有种的 74.69%。关于唐古特地区的南部界线 ,作者认为 ,李锡文等 (1 993)的“川西北、甘西南、青东南小区”同唐古特地区关系最为密切 ,若能在考虑这一因素的前提下来划分似乎更合适 ,也更能体现唐古特地区作为一个独立区系的自然界线。 The source area of Changjiang (Yangtze) River is situated between latitude 31°35′~36°30′ N and longitude 89°35′~97°55′ E.The area belongs to the alpine and highland.Most of the area with altitudes ranging from 4 000 m to 5 000 m.The features of climate is the type with the alpine and continent.There are 1 377 species of seed plants that belong to 62 families and 321 genera in this region,and respectively has a percentage of 68.89% of total family,and of 63.19% of total genera and of 60.26% of total species of the Tanggute Region from the Qinghai Xizang (Tibet) Plateau Subdivision.The floristic characteristics in the area are as follows:(1) species are poorer.(2) The North Temperate Zone is superior to numbers of species in this area.The Temperate elements have a percentage of 96.81%.It shows the clear nature of the Temperate Zone that is the decisive factor of the floristic characteristics.(3) Most of the plants are perennial and poorest of trees.This flora is short of the ancient type and primitive species,and most of the Cosmopolitan elements and the endemic elements of China are developed from them relational genera that are wildly distributed.Shows the flora is a young and derviative flora.(4) The main vegetation such as alpine grassland,alpine meadows,alpine thickets and alpine moor meadows are all alpine type typical.Most of the constructive species of them are character species of typical alpine vegetation.Therefore,in this flora,the alpine vegetation are typical,and the characteristic species are typical,and the feature of alpine and plateau flora is obvious.(5) Its specially glaring the selection of ecological factor and the alpine specialization,and appearance to adapt hydro coldize,and coldize and droughtize in the flora.It depends on the ecological environment that is formed by the geographical position,the elevation and the climatic characteristics.In view of the main family and genera,and all the main vegetation,constructive species and character species are the typical representatives of the Tanggute Region are concentrated in this flora,and the genus Mecomopsis that is one of the features of the Tanggute Region widespread distributed in this area.More over,the floristic natures and characteristics are identical the Tanggute Region,so we consider this flora is one of the representatives flora of the alpine flora in Tanggute.However,by the analysis of the endemic species of China,the flora is close relationship with both the floras of Northeast Xizang,Hengduan Mountains and Southern Gansu.Its the richest common species between the three areas,and including 593 species and has a percentage of 74.69% of total endemic species of China in this area.About the southern dividing line of the Tanggute Region,we hold that the natural line on the distribution range of the genera Pomatosace,Przewalskia,Syncalathium and Xanthopappus etc.which should be considered.In other words,it tally with the natural line that “the subregion of Northwest Sichuan,Southwest Gansu,Southeast Qinghai” belong to the Tanggute Region.Because the center of distribution of above genera are in the Tanggute Region and the distribution extende to the neibouring area of the Tanggute Region.
作者 吴玉虎
出处 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 2000年第6期1086-1101,共16页 Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
关键词 长江源区 植物区系 区系特征 区系分区 植物区系 the source area of Changjiang (Yangtze) River flora floristic characteristics floristic regionalizati$
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