8A. Harding. A SocialHistory of English Law IMp. PeterSmith, Gloucester, Mass, 1973. 315.
2A. Harding. A Social History of English Law[ M]. Peter Smith, Gloucester, Mass,1973. 315.
3John Duns. Insolvency: Law and Policy[ M ]. Oxford University Press, p. 18.
5John Duns. Insolvency: Law and Policy[M]. p. 18.
6Treiman. Escaping the Creditor in the Middle Ages[ J]. (1927) 43 Law Quarterly Review 230.
7Thomas H. Jackson. The Fresh-start Policy in Bankruptcy Law [ J ]. Harvard L. Rev. Vol. 98 ( 1995 ), Note 5.
8G. Rubin and D. Gugarman (eds). Law Economy and Society[ M]. Essays in the History of English Law 1750 - 1914(professonal Books Ltd 1984, Oxford) 226 - 38.