The unique Chinese image created in My Country and My People by Lin Yutang has much influence on the westerners. The book constrasts the western culture and the Chinese culture, and can be better understood from the perspective of comparative literature. The Chinese image can be analyzed from three aspects, namely social collective image, the Utopian image and the other image. Apart from this, different aspects of Chinese people and culture are introduced in the book in the modem essay style, which helps to create the idle and humorous Chinese image. The creation of the Chinese image in the modem essay style has appeared in a certain social and cultural context, which is influenced by the individual factor, the social factor and the cultural factor. By studying the Chinese image created by Lin Yutang, we can understand the western culture and the Chinese culture better, especially the way to promote Chinese culture successfully in the western world.
Comparative Literature
My Country and My People
the Chinese image
the other image