In modern times, a group of frontiers immigrated from southern China to Southeast Asia. After emigrating, they faced the common problems on rebuilding the social strneture and organization abroad. The existence of the Chinese eommunity in Southeast Asia elan has been the subject of debate in aeademie field. This paper speeifieally studies the Chinese village clans establishment and operation of Pan village in Singapore during the colonial era in a case study ap- proach,and further discusses the recent immigrants" elan society and their characteristics. The Chinese clan society in Southeast Asian is not simply a transplantation, but also a reconstruction in a new social environment.Especially in the early immigrant community, the Chinese elan's organizations and the reconstructions depend on the organizing principles of ancestral traditions and cultural resources. In places different from ancestral home in the social environment, the Chi- nese must also adjust these cultural rules, so that it can adapt to new cultural conditions, which also have some variation- sin the clan structure, morphology and ancestor worship.
Fujian-Taiwan Cultural Research
migration from south China, Pan village, Hengshan Temple, religious organizations and societies