
适用于TD-SCDMA/TD-LTE协议发射机的可变带宽低通滤波器 被引量:1

A Tunable Bandwidth Low-pass Filter for TD-SCDMA/TD-LTE Transmitter
摘要 采用UMC 0.18μm CMOS工艺,实现了一种符合TD-SCDMA/TD-LTE协议要求的发射机的可变带宽滤波器,设计选择七阶切比雪夫低通滤波器,采用有源电阻电容(active-RC)全差分滤波器结构,通过一阶滤波器级联三个二阶Tow-ThomasⅡ型滤波器结构构成,用译码器控制电容阵列调节带宽,带宽设置为1.6MHz、3MHz、5MHz、10MHz和15MHz五种可切换值。滤波器芯片面积为1 059μm×867μm。测试结果表明,在1.8V电源电压下电路功耗为13mA,各个带宽符合设计要求,滤波器二倍频衰减度可以达到50dB以上,线性度指标三阶输入交调点(Input 3rd order intercept point,IIP3)为-4.385dBm。 This paper proposes a seven order Chebyshev low-pass filter, which is fabricated in UMC 0. 18 μm CMOS process and used for TD-SCDMA/TD-LTE transmitter. The filter is de- signed as active-RC structure consisting of a first order filter cascaded with three second order Tow-Thomas filters, and uses a decoder to control the tunable bandwidth in 1. 6 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz and 15 MHz. The chip area is 1 059 μmX867 μm. The test result indi- cates that the current is 13 mA under 1.8 V power supply, and the bandwidths satisfy the design requirements of the protocols. The second frequency attenuation can reachover 50 dB, and the in- put 3rd order intercept point(IIP3) is --4. 385 dBm.
出处 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期441-446,共6页 Research & Progress of SSE
基金 国家科技重大专项资助项目(2010ZX03007-002-03)
关键词 时分同步码分多址 时分长期演进 可变带宽 低通滤波器 TD-SCDMA TD-LTE tunable bandwidth low-pass filter(LPF)
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