

From Neutrality to Intervention:Analysis of Pragmatic Consideration of the U.S. Southeast Asian Policy before and after World War Ⅱ
摘要 东南亚早在19世纪便为欧洲列强所瓜分,二战期间其丰富的自然资源又迅速被日本占有,美国由此逐步意识到东南亚的重要战略地位。二战初期,美国总统罗斯福提出"国际托管"主张,提供物质支持以促进东南亚诸国独立,其目的实为参与瓜分东南亚资源。二战后,美国在"国际托管"的决策中做出让步,甚至支持西欧各国重返东南亚,其目的实为缓和与西欧各国关系并与之结成同盟抗衡苏联。美国二战前后反差巨大的外交行为与当时不断变化的世界格局有着紧密联系,深刻反映着美国的国家利益,是美国重利轻理的实用主义外交思维催化作用的产物。美国二战前后东南亚外交政策的实用主义思维分析,对考量当下美国"重返亚洲"战略具有重大的现实意义。 As early as in the 19th century Southeast Asia had been carved up by European powers, and during World War II its rich natural resources were quickly occupied by Japan; thus, the United States gradually realized the important strategic position of Southeast Asia. At the early phase of World War II, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt put forward his creed of "International Trusteeship", and provided material support to promote the inde- pendence of Southeast Asian countries, with its actual purpose of occupying more resources in Southeast Asia. After World War II, the United States'international trusteeship policy allowed to make concessions even to the return of Western European countries to Southeast Asia, which aims to ease the real relationship with the Western European countries and form the alliance to contend with the Soviet Union. Being closely linked to the changing world situa- tion, such a huge contrast between the United States diplomatic behaviors before and after World War II profoundly reflected her national interests and was the product of the U. S. pragmatic diplomatic thinking - seeking interest at the cost of principles. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to make an analysis of the pragmatic thinking of the U.S. foreign policy applied in Southeast Asia before and after World War II while considering and examing her current strategy of "return to Asia".
作者 杨蓓 杜洁
出处 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第5期11-14,共4页 Journal of Chengdu University (Social Sciences)
关键词 美国 东南亚 二战 实用主义 外交政策 United States, Southeast Asia, World War II, pragmatism, foreign policy
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