
MRI增强联合3D FIESTA-C序列对管状微小听神经瘤的诊断价值 被引量:7

Diagnostic value of enhanced MRI combined 3D FIESTA-C in tubular small acoustic neuroma
摘要 目的 探讨MRI增强扫描联合3D FIESTA-C序列对内听道内管状微小听神经瘤的诊断价值.方法 经手术和病理证实的管状微小听神经瘤7例,均行GE3.0T超导磁共振T1FLAIR、FSE-T2WI、3D FIESTA-C及T1FLAIR增强扫描.结果 7例病灶均呈管状且位于内听道内,与脑实质相比,病灶T1FLAIR为等信号,T2WI呈稍低信号,3D FI-ESTA-C呈低信号,患侧较健侧内听道增宽2~5mm不等.T1FLAIR增强扫描7例病变均呈明显强化,其中5例强化均匀,2例强化欠均匀,病灶内可见点状未强化区.结论 T1 FLAIR增强扫描联合3D FIESTA-C更易于检出病灶,可清晰显示病变范围,并提示病变性质,对管状微小听神经瘤的诊断有重要价值. Objective To explore the value of enhanced MRI combined 3D fast imaging employing steady state acquisition cycled (FIESTA-C) sequence in the diagnosis of tubular small acoustic neuroma of internal auditory canal. Methods The MR1 T1 FLAIR, fast spin-echo T2WI, 3D FIESTA-C and enhanced T1 FLAIR were performed in 7 patients verified as tubular small acoustic neuroma by operation and pathology. Results All tumors were localized in the internal auditory canal. All tumors appeared as isointense signals on T1 FLAIR, slightly lower signal intensity on T2WI, and significantly low signal intensity on 3D FIESTA-C imaging. The internal auditory calla of lesion side widened ranging from 2~5 mm compared with the normal side. On enhanced TIFLAIR lesions showed significantly enhanced, including five cases uniformly enhanced and two cases ununiformly enhanced with punctate no-enhanced area. Conclusion Enhanced T1FLAIR and 3D FIESTA-C could clearly detect and show the extent of lesions. And enhanced MRI scan combined 3D FIESTA-C is very useful for the diagnosis of tubular small acoustic neuroma.
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2013年第10期1525-1527,共3页 Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 磁共振成像 3D FIESTA—C 管状 微小听神经瘤 Enhanced MRI scans 3D FIESTA-C Tubular Small acoustic neuroma
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