
蒙汉双语者与单汉语者语义加工差异脑机制的功能磁共振成像研究 被引量:1

Difference brain mechanism study of the semantics processing in skilled mongolian-chinese bilingual people and single chinese people using functional MRI
摘要 目的通过熟练蒙汉双语者及单汉语志愿者的语言功能磁共振成像,探讨蒙汉双语者及汉语志愿者在汉语语义判断过程中汉语信息加工差异的脑机制。方法采用汉语词的语义判断任务,15名蒙汉双语健康志愿者(男8名,女7名)和15名汉语健康志愿者(男7名,女8名)进行功能磁共振成像研究。应用软件包AFNI分析两种语言任务的脑功能激活情况及其差异。结果熟练蒙汉双语者及单汉语志愿者在汉语语义信息加工过程中,均激活语义信息加工的经典脑区,包括左侧颞中回后部、左侧顶下小叶、左侧额下回三角部、双侧辅助运动区等区域。比较蒙汉双语者与汉语者在加工汉语的语义信息过程的差异,发现蒙汉双语者主要在双侧枕叶、扣带回后部、左侧颞上回和颞中回后部的激活显著比单汉语者的增加,而在双侧基底节、右侧舌回、左侧额下回眶部,表现比单汉语者的激活更弱。结论蒙汉双语者加工第二语言存在特殊性,功能磁共振成像研究能够为双语者的语言加工脑机制提供影像学依据。 Objective To explore the difference brain mechanism of the semantics processing in skilled mongolian-chinese bilingual people and single Chinese people with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Methods In the current study, fifteen right-handed skilled mongolian-chinese bilingual healthy volunteers (8 males, 7 females) were and fifteen single Chinese volunteers (8 males, 7 females) performed to judge the visual Chinese words, which were semantically dangerous, fMRI data were acquired, then processed and localized functional areas of brain in AFNI. Results In skilled mongolian-chinese bilingual people and single Chinese people, fMRI both demonstrated the activation of left posterior middle temporal gurus, left inferior parietal lobule, left inferior frontal triangular gyrus and bilateral supplementary area of the visual Chinese semantic tasks. Compared the skilled mongolian-chinese bilingual people with single Chinese people, more activation in the bilateral occipital lobe, posterior cingulated, left superior temporal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus, while less activation in the bilateral basal ganglia, the right lingual gyrus and left inferior frontal orbital gyrus were found in mongolian-chinese bilingual people. Conclusion This study revealed the brain functional particularity of the semantics processing second language in skilled mongolian-chinese bilingual people. These findings will play important roles for the brain mechanism study of language processing in bilinguals.
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2013年第10期1635-1638,1648,共5页 Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 语义判断 蒙汉双语 单汉语 功能磁共振成像 Semantic judgment Mongolian-Chinese bilingual Single Chinese Functional magnetic resonance imaging
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