
沙眼衣原体初次和再次感染小鼠生殖道的初步研究(英文) 被引量:1

Preliminary study of primary and secondary infection in mice genital with Chlamydia muridarum
摘要 目的观察小鼠初次和再次生殖道感染沙眼衣原体后对病原体的清除情况,抗体产生规律及病理表现。方法将小鼠生物型沙眼衣原体C.muridarum1×104IFU阴道接种于C57B6背景雌性小鼠,分别取初次和再次感染后阴道拭子做沙眼衣原体培养,计算IFU,监测小鼠清除病原体情况;同时取小鼠尾静脉血,监测初次和再次感染后抗体产生情况;处死小鼠,检测子宫输卵管病理改变。结果初次感染,小鼠生殖道感染病原体多,病程长,再次感染病原体明显减少,病程明显缩短;小鼠于初次感染2周后检测到抗体,之后迅速升高并维持在较高水平,再次感染后抗体维持高水平无明显改变;小鼠子宫输卵有明显病理改变,表现为炎症、官腔扩张积水,狭窄等。结论成功建立沙眼衣原体初次再次感染小鼠生殖道模型,再次感染抗体水平无明显升高,但能有效控制感染,清除病原体,对炎症反应无明显改善。 In this study, we investigated the clearance of C. muridarum, the production of antibodies, and the inflam matory pathologies after the primary and secondary infection in the mice urogenital tract with C. muridarum. The female C57B6 mice were infected with C. muridarum by intravaginal inoculation. Then the mice shedding of C. muridarum live or- ganism was monitored by virginal swab culture. At the same time, the mice serum was collected to detect the production of an tibodies. After killing the mice, the virginal tissues were taken to evaluate the histopathological changes. During the primary infection, the mice have more live C. muridarum organisms to shed and the process was longer. In the secondary infection, the mice have less live C. muridarum organisms to shed and the process was shorter. The anti-chlamydia antibody in serum could be detected at 2 weeks after infection and raised to a high level rapidly. The serum antibody kept in a high level without change after secondary infection. The pathological changes displayed severe inflammation, uterine horn and oviducts dilation, hydrops and stenosis, etc. It is concluded that although there is no increase in the serum antibody level after secondary infection, the hosfs ability to defense against Chlamydia is greatly enhanced, and there is no distinct difference in the inflammation between the secondary and primary infections.
出处 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期1000-1005,共6页 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81071403)~~
关键词 沙眼衣原体 生殖道感染 小鼠模型 Chlamydia muridarum genital infection mouse model
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