
Modic改变对腰椎间盘突出症手术方案选择的影响及疗效分析 被引量:19

Surgical options and clinical outcomes in patients of lumbar disc herniation with Modic changes
摘要 目的比较单纯开窗间盘摘除术和后路椎间融合术对伴有终板Modic改变的腰椎间盘突出症患者的中远期疗效。方法回顾2002年1月至2007年1月天津医院脊柱外科486例伴有终板Modic改变的腰椎间盘突出症患者。按手术方式不同,分为开窗组(n=215)和融合组(n=271)。分别记录两组患者术前和术后3、6、12个月以及随后每年1次随访时的Oswestry功能障碍指数(ODI)和视觉模拟量表(VAS)评分,并进行统计学分析。结果所有患者术后平均随访88.9(60~120)个月。末次随访所有患者症状较术前均有明显缓解,融合组腰痛VAS评分平均改善率优于开窗组(77.9%比68.0%);开窗组腰痛VAS评分改善率ModicⅡ型优于Ⅰ型(72.8%比64.9%);ModicⅠ型ODI、腰痛VAS评分改善率融合组优于开窗组,分别为(78.3%比70.4%)和(77.4%比64.9%)(P〈0.05)。结论建议对于伴有ModicⅠ型改变的腰椎间盘突出患者考虑椎间融合术,而对于伴有ModicⅡ型改变的腰椎间盘突出,如无其他合并因素,可以考虑单纯间盘摘除术。 Objective To retropspectively evaluate medium and long-term outcomes of conventional fenestration discectomy versus posterior lumbar interbody fusion in lumbar disc herniation with Modic changes. Methods From January 2002 to January 2007, a total of 486 patients of lumbar disc herniation with Modic changes were analyzed retrospectively. They were divided into fenestration group (n = 215 ) and fusion group ( n = 271 ) according to the operative approaches. The scores of Oswestry disability index (ODI) and visual analog scale (VAS) pre-and post-operative 3, 6, 12 month and annually were recorded and analyzed. Results All of them had complete records during a mean follow-up period of 88.9 (60 -120) months. At the end of the latest follow-up, all symptoms were relieved postoperatively. Significantly difference existed in the improvement rate of back pain VAS between two groups (77. 9% vs 68.0% ). In the fenestration group, the improvement rate of VAS ( back pain) of Modic type Ⅱwas better than that of Modic type Ⅰ (72. 8% vs 64.9% ). And the difference was-statistically significant. For those with Modic type Ⅰ changes, the improvement rate of ODI and VAS (back pain) of the fusion group were better than those of the fenestration group (78.3% vs 70. 4% and 77, 4% vs 64. 9% ). And the differences were statistically significant (P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion The patients with Modic Ⅰ and Ⅱ changes were recommended to undergo lumbar fusion and undergo fenestration discectomy respectively.
出处 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第39期3111-3115,共5页 National Medical Journal of China
关键词 椎间盘移位 腰椎 脊柱融合术 磁共振成像 终板 Intervertebral disk displacement Lumbar vertebrae Spinal fusion Magnetic resonace imaging Endplate
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